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Worth 2 contact hours.
Presenter(s) and Credentials: Mindy O. Renfro, PT, PhD, DPT & Shannon Martin, OTD, OTR/L, BCG
** Available via Facebook LIVE on the NOTA Facebook page!** Quiz for credit will be available after the session.
Date: May 15, 2019
Start Time: 6:00 pm
Length of Presentation/Contact Hours: 2 hours
Address: Tang Center, Touro University NV 874 American Pacific Drive Henderson, NV 89014
Specific department or room number: TUN Tang Center
Speaker Biographies
Dr. Renfro is a geriatric physical therapist and Associate Professor who teaches in the School of Physical Therapy at Touro University Nevada in research and geriatrics. She was selected by the CDC as a fall prevention expert in 2009 and works closely with the National Council on Aging (NCOA), American Physical Therapy Association, Geriatric Education Centers and many other organizations. She has studied and published in fall risk measures and validation of evidence-based fall prevention (EBFP) programs for sub-populations. She is a long-time advocate and educator of fall prevention and home modification for interprofessional clinicians and aging service providers, as well as older adults and their caregivers to ensure safe and successful aging-in-place. She has been invited to serve on many local, state and national committees including the NCOA’s Evidence-Based Community Falls Prevention Program Review Council. She is both a master trainer and leader for a number of evidence-based programs for older adults and enjoys engaging students in the programs and training. She has worked with the American Physical Therapy Association’s Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy to develop a Fall Prevention Expert Credentialing course. Dr. Renfro serves as an editorial reviewer for a variety of peer-reviewed journals including the APTA’s Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. She enjoys being outdoors with her children and grandchildren and is the primary long-distance caregiver for her healthy aging parents, aged 91 and 93.
Dr. Martin is an associate professor at Touro University Nevada. Her clinical experience is primarily in inpatient rehabilitation and hospital-based settings working with adults and older adults with physical disabilities and chronic conditions. Dr. Martin is board certified in gerontology through the American Occupational Therapy Association. Dr. Martin is involved in the community with the evidence-based, multifactorial fall prevention program Stepping On as a leader and master trainer and serves as chair of the Nevada Goes Falls Free Coalition. Dr. Martin has specialized in stroke rehabilitation receiving certifications in neurodevelopmental treatment and as a certified stroke rehabilitation specialist.
Dr. Martin received her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from Boston University in 2002, her master’s degree in Health Science from the University of Florida in 2009, and her clinical doctorate in Occupational Therapy from Boston University in 2011. Her doctoral project focused on best practice guidelines for occupational therapists working in stroke rehabilitation.
Session Abstract
This session will introduce and/or update OTs and COTAs in evidence-based fall prevention programs for older adults that are now available to their patients/clients throughout Nevada through the Nevada Goes Falls Free coalition (NGFFC). We will begin with a review of the CDC’s STEADI fall risk toolkit, Fall Prevention Awareness Day activities, running fall screening events and referral choices based upon STEADI fall risk screening results. Introductions to each of the three evidence-based fall prevention programs currently available in Nevada – including Otago Exercise program, Stepping On and Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance – will each be introduced and compared/contrasted with each other. Participants will learn how to choose the best EBFP program for each older adult and how to refer them to the appropriate program. Therapists will learn how to become certified in each of these programs as a leader and/or master trainer. Participants will be able to register for and complete a short and inexpensive online CE course for the Otago Exercise program (OEP) at the completion of the course. OEP is delivered one-to-one as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for fall prevention and is, therefore, a billable part of care. Future participation with the NGFFC will be discussed and all attendees will be encourage to join the coalition.
PO Box 370675
Las Vegas, Nevada 89137