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  • Sat, February 04, 2023
  • 10:30 AM
  • ZOOM


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  • Hello NOTA Members & Happy New Year from your NOTA Legislative Team!

    We are so excited for 2023 – namely, our organizations ‘tableing’ and advocacy event at the state capital on March 24th, 2023. This will be a GREAT way to meet other OTs from across the state, discuss OT with our elected officials and their teams, and play a part in forwarding NOTA’s mission. We are inviting all members to consider joining us for this event in Carson City this year. 

    To help members learn more, our monthly Legislative Meetings leading up to the event will primarily focus on the day’s events, and how to get involved. 

    Our meetings are the first Saturday of every month at 10:30a. Zoom link initiations will go out, but can also be found here:

    Matt Olivier is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: NOTA Monthly Advocacy Meeting/Event. Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 895 4815 3472

    Passcode: 9unK2Z

    PLEASE NOTE: One exception to this will be our March Member meeting. We are pushing with back one week to March 11th at 10:30a to ensure those attending the WROTSS conference don’t miss outJ

    Other Advocacy & Policy Updates outside of Hill Day:

    (Minimal, as we’re had holidays, and the year is just picking up).

  • 1.    From AOTA:

    Recent changes were discussed and finalized re: the Occupational Therapy Model Practice Act. The final version was recently approved by the Representative Assembly Coordinating Committee (RACC) back in December, 2022. 

    -AOTA on this:


    “The most major of changes was to include a section on referral requirements to allow for direct access for occupational therapy services as well as a section on telehealth to allow occupational therapy practitioners to provide occupational therapy services via telehealth.”.  

    The updated version will be available soon on AOTA’s website, so be on the lookout for that, if interested.

  • 2.    Check out the latest re: the OT Compact here:  
  • 3.    Stay involved with AOTA’s Legislative Action Center:  

  • 4.    Thinking of pursing change(s) in the state? Let us know, and check this out as a good place to start! The Nevada Independent made a fantastic 3-minute video: How a bill becomes a law”.   



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