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Reflective Practice

  • Wed, October 20, 2021
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Benefits of Reflective Supervision in OT

Speaker: Lacee Bukoskey

Topic: Reflective Practice

Time: Oct 20, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time

In this course, participants will be introduced to reflective practice. We will discuss the process of reflection and relate reflection to mindfulness in practice. Participants will learn the difference between reflective supervision and supervision. We will also discuss how reflective can improve your practice as an occupational therapy practitioner.

Benefits of Reflective Supervision in OT.pdf

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, participants will:

  1. Identify components of self-understanding and self awareness 
  2. Increase their understanding of reflective practice and its impact on parallel process
  3. Learn strategies and tools, including therapeutic use of self to support reflective practice experiences when working with complex clients, families and systems
  4. Have reflective supervision tools to incorporate reflective supervision/practice into educational and work environments

Speaker Bio:

Lacee received her  Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology from Montana State University, in Bozeman, Montana. She later moved to Henderson, Nevada and went to Touro University for her master’s degree in Occupational Therapy. Lacee worked in a variety of settings as an OT over the course of my career, from acute rehab, acute care, home health and outpatient. She has experience in a wide range of pediatric diagnoses including autism, down syndrome, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, developmental delay, feeding difficulties, sensory processing, handwriting, pediatric stroke, cerebral palsy and more. Lacee has extensive experience with adult occupational therapy needs, including fall prevention, neuro rehabilitation, debility, arthritis and other orthopedic diagnoses. Lacee served as President of the Nevada Occupational Therapy Association for the past four years. She feels fortunate to be able to spend time with talented clinicians that serve on the board, inspired by their drive and motivation. Lacee also finished her first semester at Fielding Graduate University, where she is pursuing my PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development with an emphasis on mental health.

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Reid, D. (2009). Capturing presence moments: The art of mindful practice in occupational therapy. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(3), 180-188. Shamoon-Shanok, R.(2009). What is reflective supervision? In S.Scott Heller & L. Gilkerson: (Eds.). A practical guide to reflective supervision (pp.7-23). Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE. Eggbeer, L., Shahmoon-Shanok, R., & Clark, R. (2010). Reaching toward an Evidence Base for Reflective Supervision. Zero to Three (J), 31(2), 39-45.



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