Join Us
We are forming a learning group to enhance our motivational interviewing skills. Please join us to work through some MI exercises and guided practice.
We are not certified motivational interviewer trainers, just passionate about motivational interviewing. We welcome practitioners and students, from novice to expert MI users. To familiarize you with the spirit and principles of MI, in August we will post a webinar on an overview of MI. We ask you to watch the MI video before the session to get familiar with the spirit of MI and it’s principles. This is our first meeting and we plan to meet regularly going forward. We are excited to practice with you!
Before the workshop on September 1, 2021:
1. Please watch our MI video to get a background on the spirit and main principals of MI. Please note we presented this at the 2021 Western Regional OT Spring Symposium with an emphasis on MI for persistent pain. However, the content is universally applicable and you can use this video as a primer for our MI workshop.
2. Download the OARS Handout.
Facilitator Bios:
John (Johnny) Rider is an assistant professor at Touro University Nevada and works as a community-based occupational therapist for Good Life Therapy, LLC. In addition to being an OT, Johnny is a father of 4 children, an aspiring woodworker, avid hiker, and a certified American Sign Language Interpreter. He is completing his PhD in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences with an emphasis in Rehabilitation Science from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His OT experience includes school systems, early intervention, inpatient and outpatient rehab, primary care, and home health and hospice. His research and advocacy efforts revolve around chronic disease management with an emphasis on neurodegenerative diseases and persistent pain.
Paula is occupational therapist with clinical experience in antepartum, acute pediatrics, pediatric oncology, and pediatric intensive care populations as well as school systems and community-based organizations. She is a mom to 2 children, loves to paint, learn, and ride her bike. She is passionate about supporting families in their occupations. Her advocacy efforts include our role in mental health, state association governance, system level supports and barriers to practice.
Zoom Details:
Topic: Motivational Interviewing Learning Group
Time: Sep 1, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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